Inside Strategus Consulting

A leadership & business consultancy who operates throughout the UK through their Midlands and Southern Hubs

Strategus Consulting - horse icon

The Midlands Hub is located in Worcestershire & services clients across the Midlands including local customers in Worcestershire, Herefordshire & Gloucestershire.

The Southern Hub, located near Watford, services customers across London, the Southeast and the Southwest.

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Strategus Consulting -  Mike Harris Founder image
Our story
A lifetime of executive experience

A contemporary definition of Strategus is “Leaders inStrategy”. Following 20 years running various corporate companies, Strategus Consulting was established to support organisations, individuals and teams with strategy and leadership.

70% of our customers areSMEs & we’ve found our niche in providing them with director-level advice and support.  These businesses have benefited significantly from our extensive expertise and guidance.

To find out more about how Strategus Consulting can help your business grow, get in touch today.

Our vision and mission

Building with strategy. Inspiring through innovation.

At Strategus Consulting, our vision is to create the next generation of leaders, while our mission is based on helping you continuously improve your performance through strategy, innovation, and experience.


Creating a legacy by helping to develop the next generation of leaders.


Continually improve your performance through strategy, innovation, and experience.

Our Core Values

• Strategy
• Innovation
• Experience

These are at the heart of what we believe & run through everything we do. They will shape your business, inspire your teams & create competitive advantage

Thin prime consultancy
Using partner consultants to provide additional services

Our partners are first-class SMEs with the skills, expertise and experience to deliver the best possible outcomes for your business.

Through our thin prime consultancy model, we can lead, co-ordinate, manage and integrate all your business and leadership activities in one place, acting as your single point of contact. And by providing you with innovative, flexible, and cost-effective solutions, you benefit from top-quality partners while only applying a thin financial markup.

To discover how Strategus Consulting can help your business grow, get in touch with our team today.  

“Thin Prime arrangements minimises overheads &improves flow down of risk and reward to suppliers.” National Audit Office (NAO)

Discover more

Just some of our Customers

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Let’s talk business

No matter your industry, scale, or unique needs, we're equipped to fuel your business's growth. Reach out today for further information.